We bumped into Dolly Bindra at a photography exhibition held in Mumbai recently. Dressed in black tee and denims with a shocking pink hat sitting atop her head, Dolly was in high ‘sprits’! Why has she been missing from the screen, we asked.” they can’t afford me, monetarily speaking,” said Dolly.
The motor mouth feels that Mumbai Crime branch commissioner Himanshu Roy is very handsome and she wants to see his tough-cop act on the reality show Bigg Boss
Dolly loves art, music and films. But aren’t artists in India facing the wrath from being liberal, at times politically incorrect? ” There’s nothing wrong with our freedom of expression. It’s just that everyone want their shops to be highlighted. Sabko apnei dukaan chalu rakhni hain aur chalani hain,” said Dolly.
The buzz about Bigg Boss season seven is making a buzz. Dolly has also been on the show and gained the much-needed popularity from the glass-walled house. So how has the experience been and who would she like to see on the show this season? ” I will always want to experience myself being there. Bigg Boss has always been a favourite show of mine. I want Himanshu Roy to be on the show this season, he’s so handsome,” said the colourful babe with her trademark throaty laughter.
Watch the full interview