LG has announced the Vu 3 phablet, the successor to the Optimus Vu 2. Just like the G2, the phablet, retains the very powerful Snapdragon 800 CPU, and also a 5.2-inch display. Like, its predecessors the phone retains its 4:3 aspect ratio and has a display resolution of 1280×960 pixels and also has a rubberdium stylus pen. LG is making a big deal of the rubberdium stylus pen as a competitor to S-Pen that is seen in Samsung Galaxy Note.
The device also has a 13-megapixel camera that is accompanied by a LED flash and has a 2.1-megapixel front-facing camera. The phone also packs in 2GB of RAM and runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean.
LG has added a number of software embellishments like the knock on feature that was first seen on the G2. There is also a Notebook feature that allows the user to draw using acrylic and charcoal effects among others. The Vu 3 also has a Guest Mode where users can provide selective access to features when someone else is using the device. It comes with a Quick View case, which is transparent and lets the user change 7 different themes showing glancable data like time, date, currency, notifications and messages.
Like Samsung, LG touts that in spite of the larger screen from its predecessor, the Vu 3 is just 0.2-inches larger. Currently, the phone has been announced for South Korea, but it will not be surprising that if lands in India, sooner than later, considering LG is also expected to launch the G2 on September 30 in the country.
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